#MomLife with Jenn Hallak

For some strange reason, we all think that we need to do everything to be super mom. I felt like super mom before and believe me, I wasn’t happy.


I wanted to be the everything mom – the it mom. I knew I could do it and there was no telling me any different.

You see, I’m a 27 year old girl who grew my own business from the ground up…on a $0 budget. That’s right, I grew my entire income off of social media and didn’t pay a dime in marketing. And if I can do that, I can do anything.

So as I had my first baby girl coming along, I knew it would be the perfect job for me. I’d get all of my work done while she was napping (because newborns sleep 15-18 hours a day and that’s a LOT of time) and I’d spend the rest of the day playing with my beautiful baby girl, make dinner before my husband got home from work and have a clean house every single day. The clean house is for my own sanity, if you were wondering.

And you want to know what? I pretty much was able to keep this going for 6 months of Ava’s life. I was super mom and I knew it. And in all honesty, it wasn’t that bad (most days). But I wasn’t happy and I wasn’t being the best mom I could be…despite me thinking I was.

As Ava started to become more and more aware, I started to feel guilty. I was guilty that she had to play on her own all day. She would turn to me and smile and my head would be hidden behind the computer. I would get frustrated with her when there were days when all she wanted to do was be held and that all made me feel so guilty inside.

I wanted my attention to be all on her or I needed someone to watch her who could give her all of that attention.

Long story short – I’ve cut down on the amount of work I take on. I hired someone to take on the wedding planning side of the business, stopped running social media for a couple of companies I had been working with that were causing me stress, cut down on the number of blog posts I publish each week, and removed myself from every single one of my interaction DMs on Instagram.

And you want to know what? My business is doing better than ever because I can focus all of my attention on each client and advertiser who wants to work with us on a feature. I am doing better work and it’s paying of and most of all, I’m happy.

For some strange reason, we all think that we need to do everything to be super mom. I felt like super mom before and believe me, I wasn’t happy.

But now that I’ve cut back, I believe I am super mom. I can play with Ava for more hours during the day and most of all, I’m less stressed and more present for her. As she nears her first birthday I can already tell how incredibly fast these years are going to go so in my eyes, super mom means doing less and being present.

Whether you go to work each day and come back to your baby or you’re a stay at home mom, do what you can to be present during those precious moments with your baby rather than trying to play a million roles all at once. And believe me, you’ll then feel like super mom too.

Read more from this momma over on her blog and follower her on Instagram (@theoverwhelmedmommy).

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